Dog Won't Leave Woman Alone When Husband Discovers Why, He Calls The Police (2024)


Dog Won't Leave Woman Alone When Husband Discovers Why, He Calls The Police

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When George and his girlfriend Zoe agreed to watch Rex, their friend Corey's dog, they never expected things to go the way they did it all started off well enough and Rex seemed like a perfectly behaved dog.

But George started to worry.

When Rex began displaying weird, Behavior, ROM Zoli.

He would often jump on her and wouldn't leave her side.

So George decided to keep a close eye on his girlfriend.

But what he found out will change their lives forever before we start.

Can we get this video to 1 000 likes, please hit the like button and subscribe to the channel one morning while making breakfast George saw a message pop up on Zoe's phone, where she'd left it on the kitchen counter, ignoring the little voice telling him to respect her privacy.

He unlocked the phone and goes to her last message.

It was to someone he didn't know, the number wasn't even saved it read.

George, can't know about this I will tell him when the time is right hearing Zoe coming downstairs, George, locked the phone and put it back on the counter.

What was going on what wasn't Zoe telling him as the events of the next few days? Unfolded George soon felt like he had all the evidence he needed to feel suspicious.

We're sneaking away late at night.

His disconnected feelings toward her, the dog's strange habit of jumping on her.

And the Mysterious text message he called the police, and they confronted Zoe.

But what was so strange about Rex's Behavior? And why was Zoe acting so suspicious George's best friend Corey was traveling abroad for a work trip for several weeks and was unable to take his pillow.

Doberman Rex with him.

Normally Corey would leave Rex with a dog sitter.

But the sitter he usually used had to cancel last minute due to a family emergency with no time left to interview a new dog, sitter George became Corey's.

Last hope he had no other option than to seek his friend's home.

He made his way to George's house.

He explained the situation and practically begged George if he would be able to dogs at Rex for a week or two.

Thankfully part way through the conversation Zoe arrived home and both George and Corey were able to ask for her input, directly Corey explained that Rex was an old police dog, and therefore was very well trained and well, behaved.

It took a little bit of convincing, but Zoe was reassured enough that she agreed to dog sitting wrecks while Corey was away on his work trip.

They called Corey and told him.

It would be happy to take Rex this one time everyone was happy with how things were going in Rex was also having a great time at George's house.

But this didn't last for long, George soon noticed that Rex had started to act very strangely after a few days of Rex staying in George's house.

The couple began noticing the dog was acting strangely.

He began to bark in the middle of the night or come Claw at the bedroom door.

The new Behavior began to worry the couple so much that George called Corey about the situation confused by Rex's Behavior Corey tried to reassure his friends.

It was already stressful for rex that Corey was away.

But this time he didn't even get to stay home with a dog sitter that he already knew this time he was staying with strangers and was in a new place that all made sense to George and Zoe.

They decided to trust Corey's judgment.

And after a few more days, Rex began to calm down and started behaving like a normal dog again, the pair were relieved.

They had no idea.

It wouldn't last once Rex returned to his normal polite self.

The couple began to relax back into the routine.

They had built with a friendly Doberman.

However, one morning Rex entered the couple's bedroom while Zoe was getting ready.

Zoe didn't think much of the dog's appearances.

He often watched her doing everyday things.

She carried on with putting on her socks only to look up just in time to see racks do something very strange with no warning at all Rex made a low line in his throat and leaped on top of Zoe, getting hit by the full weight of the big Doberman caught George's Girlfriend by surprise, and she fell backward onto the bed immediately.

She was pinned in place by his body.

Weight helpless and terrified.

She began to scream.

The noise George rushed into the room and couldn't believe his eyes grabbing Rex by the collar.

He pulled the dog off Zoe and pushed him out of the bedroom before closing the door to stop him from getting back in an absolutely hysterical Zoe demanded that they called Corey to tell him to get back as quickly as possible to collect his dog George who was very shaken by Rex actions tried to call his friend right then.

But that remembered that Corey had said, he would be out of cell service for a few days.

However, Zoe decided to keep her distance from Rex at least for a little while the only problem was that Rex refused to leave her side.


He became very affectionate and always wanted to be with Zoe.

Often the dog would lie next to her on the couch and even put his head on her stomach.

This Behavior began to make George wonder, what could be causing Rex to be acting towards Zoe in such a strange manner from the conversations he had with Corey George knew that Rex had been a police dog.

But eventually been retired after several years Corey had adopted Rex after he retired.

So all he knew was that the dog worked for the airport police still unable to get in touch with Corey George decided to start with the basics by looking up online, what kinds of jobs dogs were used for at airports.

He was surprised at the information.

He began to get about the roles.

Then he began looking up cases of other retired police dogs.

The next day after hours of gathering information on the internet George noticed something strange about Zoe.

She had definitely started behaving differently.

George noticed she was avoiding making eye contact with him and even kept to herself more.

Then came the morning when he found the strange message on her phone and his suspicions became more serious.

He loaded Rex into the car and followed his girlfriend, stay in the car with Rex whining in the back seat.

George watched wondering what Zoe was waiting for.

She was gone for maybe 20 minutes then got in the car and started driving home hurrying to get home before she did George tried to greet Zoe normally when she walked through the door, he didn't want to raise suspicion with his girlfriend, but George couldn't stop thinking about the strange text.

And the way zilly had snuck off of the gas station Zoe started being home, less and less.

She often wasn't home to feed Rex, but always had excuses ready.

Rex was no help either.

He kept rubbing his head on her legs and jumping on her every time.

She sat down quickly making her irritated and nervous around him.

Things were quickly getting out of hand.

Georgia just got home.

Finding Zoe was once again, not at home.

And that Rex had chewed up one of the couch cushions.

Just as he was sweeping up.

The mess, his phone began to ring.

He picked up the phone and was greeted by a low male voice.

Are you the guy who is currently looking after my old police dog, Rex George hesitated, not sure if he should answer the question there was something strangely familiar about the voice.

He swore one of Zoe's friends sounded similar.

Yes, that's me.

George finally, answered.

The response was immediate stop with this poking around your doing.

You are an over your head son, the call cut off leaving George staring at his foam in shock.

Who was this strange man when he got home? Several hours later, Zoe was waiting for him.

And she was not happy about the couch.

She asked him where he had been all day, but George didn't want to tell her the whole truth.

He said, vaguely that he'd been out for a run, but Zoe was quick to point out that he hadn't been doing that all day.

How ironic thought George his frustrations with the day, Rising sharply, she's, getting angry with me for not telling the whole truth when she has been acting so suspiciously lately, George couldn't help, but feel resentful toward his girlfriend.

How dare she treat him like this? The two began to fight mostly about Rex and the couch cushion, but the bitter issues simmered under the surface.

He almost demanded to know why she had gone to the gas station alone when Rex started to pace around the room, nervously ears pricked, then all of a sudden he began to bark aggressively flinging himself at the front door stopping their fight Zoe and George looked at each other in shock, knowing that something must be very wrong for Rex to be behaving like this George ordered Zoe to get upstairs.

So she did.

It felt like something horrible was about to happen.

Checking the feet of the doorbell.

Camera George was horrified to see a strange man.

He'd never seen before dressed entirely in Black standing outside the front door.

The man knocked on the door, demanding to see Zoe for George after several very stressful days.

This was the final straw he had to do something about this quickly before it could get even more out of hand, even with Rex flining himself at the front door barking and growling George decided that he couldn't handle this alone since the intimidating man was there in search of Zoe.

The safest option seemed to be to call the police.

Meanwhile, Zoe is upstairs, hiding in the bedroom and wondering what on Earth was going on.

She decided to come out of hiding and go find out for herself.

She tipped him to the top of the stairs listening for what was happening downstairs.

What she heard shocked her.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing downstairs George was talking on the phone to someone from what she could hear soon.

He was calling the police.

Strange man, knocking on their door reaction to her, but she was glad that George was taking their safety seriously.

However, she would soon find out what was actually going on after just a few minutes.

He could hear the sirens approaching from a distance.

There was still no sign of the strange man.

But he had the doorbell camera footage to show the police.

He wondered how Zoe would react to the police presence that wasn't.

The only reason George had called the police.

He told them his other concerns about his girlfriend from upstairs in the bedroom, where Rex had come to join her Zoe heard George calling for her.

She hesitated for a moment to go downstairs, enjoying how safe having Rex buyers saw it on the bed made her feel one of the strange man was still there.

But after George had called for her two more times saying, the police were here and wanted to talk to her.

She decided to go downstairs.

She assumed it was to talk about the Intruder, but she was very wrong as she got downstairs, Rex following close behind her Zoe was greeted by two slightly confused looking police officers.

They all looked at her with a strange kind of Suspicion on their faces, starting to feel nervous.

She asked George, what is going on was this about the strange man when he answered, she couldn't believe what her boyfriend was saying, rather awkwardly George explained that he had called the police because of Zoe's increasingly, suspicious Behavior, he told her that he had discovered that Rex used to be a drug detection dog at the airport and had apparently been reacting towards Zodi the same way.

He would if there were drugs around.

He then told her that he knew about her strange trip to the gas station and the text he had seen and how those had made him more suspicious.

He said, he just wanted to know what she was hiding from him.

Zoe, stared her boyfriend in disbelief hurt and angry by everything.

He had just said, how could he have jumped to such massive conclusions based on so little evidence? He thought she was involved with drugs.

He had been looking through her phone and following her.

And all of this was based on some weird behavior from a dog that wasn't even theirs.


She was going to tell him the truth, Zoe sighed and dropped into a chair.

Unable to believe that George was making the police be involved in this I will tell you the truth George, because this is insane, she couldn't hide.

How hurt she was by his wild accusations and the invasions of her privacy, but still she sat and told him that she had read an article about a dog who sensed his owner was pregnant.

She had started to wonder if that was why Rex had started acting the way he did.

So she drove to the gas station to get a pregnancy test to her surprise.

Her hunch had been correct and she was pregnant.

However, she had been scared to tell him since her family had a history of early miscarriages.

She had wanted to get past the dangerous stage before she let him know the energy in the room was awkward as she finished.

Speaking George felt terrible for his accusations.

And although the police congratulated them, it was clear, they weren't impressed with George's actions, Rex leaned into Zoe's side.

And she pet his ears for Comfort.

She hoped she and George could recover from this mess and everything would turn out all right.

Dog Won't Leave Woman Alone   When Husband Discovers Why, He Calls The Police (2024)


Dog Won't Leave Woman Alone When Husband Discovers Why, He Calls The Police? ›

Separation Anxiety Can Cause Your Dog to Not Leave Your Side

Some dogs even try to prevent you from leaving. Dogs with separation anxiety will sometimes start barking, pacing or exhibiting other distressing behaviors after a short time after being left alone.

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Separation Anxiety Can Cause Your Dog to Not Leave Your Side

Some dogs even try to prevent you from leaving. Dogs with separation anxiety will sometimes start barking, pacing or exhibiting other distressing behaviors after a short time after being left alone.

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Separation anxiety is a common problem in dogs and is likely to become more common due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dogs with separation anxiety tend to follow their owners around the house and become more anxious just before their owner leaves and especially once they've left, often showing the following signs: Barking.

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Dogs may actually need to go out or come in, but most often it is just a game to them. They need a change of pace or something to do, and getting you to let them in and out is fun. They may want to go out to play, get out there and then miss you so they want back in, and over and over it goes.

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Most dogs with separation anxiety try to remain close to their owners, follow them from room to room and rarely spend time outdoors alone. They often begin to display anxiety as soon as the owners prepare to leave. Many but not all of these dogs crave a great deal of physical contact and attention from their owners.

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Anxiety and Stress

Dogs who have anxiety issues often develop clingy dog behaviors. Interestingly, dogs can also become clingy if they sense our stress or anxiety. Dogs can also become clingy if you change their daily routine or make changes in the home or household that cause them stress.

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Often, this is simply a case of access, or lack of it. If one person spends more time at home with the dog, naturally the dog will want to see and spend time with the other partner, too. When the absent partner rewards that behavior by handing out treats upon return, reinforcement and hardwiring occurs.

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It could be due to other factors such as anxiety (including separation issues), health issues, boredom, or for female dogs being in heat. Some dogs will be clingy as puppies, but this can be explained by their age.

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While a clingy dog's behavior can be rooted in emotional or physical distress, a clingy dog is insecure and wants care, support, and reassurance. While a clingy dog may be suffering from a behavioral problem, clinginess may also be an indicator of an equally serious underlying condition.

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Some signs your dog has imprinted on you include:
  • They Follow You. ...
  • They Get Incredibly Happy to See You. ...
  • They Mirror Your Behavior and Mood. ...
  • They Seek Physical Affection and Attention from You. ...
  • They Maintain Eye Contact. ...
  • They Check in on You, Especially in New Environments. ...
  • They Listen to Your Commands More Readily.
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Just like their human pals, dogs are likely to choose a favorite person based on a number of factors. Some of these include the person's demeanor, interactions with the dog, and how well the person helps meet their basic needs.

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Clingy dogs tend to stay very close to their human and show signs of stress, like pacing, whining, or destructive behavior, when they are away from their select human(s). When away from their person for extended periods, they may become listless and lose interest in games and food.

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“In my experience, the four most common breeds of dogs that exhibit signs of separation anxiety are typically Labrador Retrievers, Chihuahuas (both mixed breeds and standards), German Shepherds and co*cker Spaniels”, says Dr.

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Dogs Can Understand Body Language and Changes in Routine

“When a normally active owner gets in bed in the middle of the day or takes to the couch and doesn't move, the dog knows something isn't quite right,” she says. “Depending on the illness, the owner may be exhibiting symptoms that are easy for the dog to detect.

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He will be relaxed, yet alert. He will show no signs of aggression and may attempt to guard a person who isn't feeling well from other people. His ears will tilt toward what he is trying to hear. When he is sniffing something different, his tail will be held high and it will not wag.

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There are a number of possible reasons. First, closeness between people can confuse a dog. Hugs, for instance, are abnormal in the canine world and can be viewed by dogs as threatening. Dogs may also view intimacy as play, which means they want to play, too.

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Dogs may interpret intense intimacy as something confrontational going on between you and your partner. Rover wedging his way in between you may be his way to calm you down and de-escalate what he perceives to be a fight.

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Pheromones. Pheromones work externally and can influence how your dog responds to you and others. A dog's body language can indicate whether an individual's pheromones have a positive or negative impact on your dog. If you're wondering--does my dog love me, it may be the smell they don't love, not you.

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If your dog is feeling vulnerable, he may stay close to you for an added sense of security. Clinginess is especially common in senior dogs, especially when losing vision or hearing. As your dog's world becomes less familiar, he'll stay close to you as a source of comfort and familiarity.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.